Latest video presentations now available on line

November, December and February Zoom member meetings are available to logged on members.

here: PBPS Zoom Gatherings

November SGM and AGM video's are available to logged on members here: Society Documents

Society members visit Mr Col Rees's 7 1/4" gauge live steam and diesel collection.

Society member and railway enthusiast Mr Col Rees, invited Society members to visit his scale engine collection in November 2024. The collection comprises live steam and diesel engines but the pride of the fleet is the Union Pacific Big Boy 4015.
Members, who are logged in, can find photos and information on the event at the following link:
Link: Col Rees's Model Engine Visit

2024 Annual General Meeting Photos 

The Puffing Billy preservation Society held its 68th Annual General Meeting on 10th November 2024 at the Emerald Hills Hub. The AGM was preceded by a SGM to tidy up wording in several sections of our constitution.
Members, who are logged in, can find photos from the event at the following link: 2024 SGM/AGM Photos

New Railfan DVD

Check out the latest Society Public News Page for details about a new Victorian Railways DVD from Channel 5 Productions. Link: Society Public News

Climax Event Videos

Two videos of the Climax special train event can be viewed on YouTube by clicking on the following links.
Leaving Lakeside Station: Link:
Passing through Emerald station on the UP: Link:

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