The first edition appeared more than 64 years ago back in January 1959!

Normally published quarterly, this magazine has covered the history of the railway from its earliest volunteer beginnings.

As well as current society news, there are also articles on what is happening on the railway, future events, restoration projects and historical articles. Some of the historical articles come from the society's large archive of narrow gauge material and photos whilst others are memoirs written by those who were on the railway in the early days of preservation.

Logged on members can access the latest edition here: Narrow Gauge 

Below is a link to download an earlier issue of the Narrow Gauge magazine:

Narrow Gauge No 243 December 2021.pdf

Members should receive four issues of Narrow Gauge each year. Note that issues are currently behind due to not having a permanent editor. If you would like to help contact
Join now to receive the next issue!

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